VolumeMail SMTP

An economical email solution delivering transactional emails directly to your recipient’s inbox subject to a valid genuine opt-in database.

VolumeMail SMTP

Drive engagement with your subscribers and manage all your transaction-based messages, notifications, company updates, promotional emails, and newsletters.
Volumemail 1
Complete email delivery platform

100% guaranteed email delivery to the inbox of your valid genuine database of customers, giving you expected ROI.

Volumemail 3
Uncapped number of emails

No limit on the number of emails. Dedicated IP (optional) allocated exclusively for managing mailing activities.

Volumemail 2
Real-time analytics and reporting

Powerful insights into your email activity including email requests, deliveries, click rates, open rates, bounces, unsubscribes and more.

Our experts are at your service when ever you need

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    Every organization has a need to send bulk emails to their customers/investors/vendors etc. This may include notification emails/promotional emails/investor relationship messages etc.

    Traditional email servers have limits on the number of emails that can be sent.

    Using VolumeMail SMTP, you will be able to deliver all your bulk emails to opt-in recipients’ inboxes.

    Volumemail Smtp Bulk Email Services 02
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