Microsoft India is announcing Indian rupee pricelist changes to harmonize its prices for commercial software and online services between India and the Asian region.
Microsoft periodically assesses the impact of its local pricing for software products and online services to ensure there is reasonable alignment across regions and this change is an outcome of this assessment.
The increase will come into effect from FEB 1, 2023
Starting February 1, 2023, Indian rupee prices for:
Commercial on-premises software will increase by 4.5%,
Online services will increase by 9%, and
Windows GGWA will increase by 11%
In order to realign close to prevailing USD pricing levels in the Asian region.
On Microsoft.com, revised Indian rupee prices for direct sales to India-based customers for a select set of online services such as Microsoft 365, and Dynamics 365 will be reflected as of February 1, 2023.
For business customers, these changes will not affect existing orders under volume licensing agreements for products that are subject to price protection. However, prices for new product additions under such volume licensing agreements and purchases under new contracts will be as defined by the pricelist at the time of order. Customers across India buying online services in Indian rupee will continue to find Microsoft cloud offerings highly competitive.
To know more about this, you can write to sales@logixstaging.learnedstudio.com or contact your respective account manager.
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