Logix Support for Customers

Raise all your issues, queries and requests through Supportdesk portal only


Logix Support Portal

To efficiently handle your support-related tasks – you need to access the Logix support portal and raise a ticket. This portal is your one-stop solution for getting your queries resolved.

Your Support portal is revamped to provide the best possible service experience.

We’ve made significant improvements to the portal, offering enhanced ease of use and providing more comprehensive information.

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Your New Dashboard

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Accessing the Support Portal

To access the updated support portal, simply visit the URL supportdesk.logixstaging.learnedstudio.com

You can login with your existing credentials.

You can check our instructional video or ask for support reference manual from our team. In case of any query, please reach out to support@logixstaging.learnedstudio.com

Portal With New Features

Expanding on our existing capabilities of the Support portal, the newly revamped platform is designed to make it simple and convenient for you to use. A data-driven system to improve efficiency, it will showcase:

  • DashboardOn dashboard you have complete set of data from – total tickets, pending cases, closed tickets, certified tickets, ticket pending for approval and dissatisfied tickets.
  • Config – Set your customer profile details, add a new admin, and view your purchased service
  • Support – Create a new ticket, or Search tickets with the id number to check the status
  • Report – Get a better understanding through Ticket analysis, Performance, and Feedback report

Need more information?

If you would like to know about this service or need any other assistance, please get in touch with us.
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