What is SSL and why do I need it?


An SSL certificate is basically a piece of software(read codes) that you install on a server that allows you to both authenticate said server and enforce secure connections with it. 2018 will be a year of encryption. Beginning January Google and Mozilla firefox will update the browser UI and start to mark HTTP websites with password fields- ‘not secure’. Thus, website without the SSL certificate will be marked not secure. This step will make the internet a more secure place.

Clearly, once the browsers’will start marking website not secure it will have issue with the UI or even not allow the site. Companies do not have a choice here, everyone will have to migrate to the new standard to remain accessible over the internet. This means every website needs to follow the instructions. Half past 2018, the website will be marked ‘not secure’ and come what may either the business websites have to comply or get themselves marked ‘not secure’.

Why do I need SSL?

Simply because it makes the HTTP secure. The information going HTTP is not secure but out in the open while SSL adds the layer of security which is extremely important. What this means is that if the website is not running an SSL anybody can see the information being transmitted and might as well steal it, if it carries some value. This step will standardize the communication on the internet and make it secure.

Benefits of moving to SSL

HTTPs as it is referred to will make the internet a safer place. It will add the layer of security which is much needed and pave way for HTTP/2 which is successor of HTTP. HTTP/2 is safer, faster and well in sync with demand of the time.

How does the SSL work?

SSL certificates create a foundation of trust for user by making the connection to be website secure. To ensure visitors their connection is secure, browsers provide visual cues, such as a lock icon or a green bar.

SSL certificates have a key pair: a public and a private key. These keys work together to establish an encrypted connection. The certificate also contains what is called the “subject,” which is the identity of the certificate/website owner.

You start by acquiring the SSL certificate you’d like to use on your website, installing it on your server and then configuring your domain so that it points to HTTPS addresses instead of HTTP ones. Once it’s live, and visitors begin arriving at your website, they will be sent a copy of the certificate itself, as well as a public key when they first connect. The user’s browser and the server then use the certificate and its underlying Public Key Infrastructure to authenticate the server (ensuring that it is the rightful owner of the certificate) before exchanging symmetric session keys and forming an encrypted connection.

Logix offers Entrust SSL Complete Life cycle Management portal to handle the multiple SSL & their renewal dates allowing users to even Renew them unline other portals. Get it touch with us on sales@logixstaging.learnedstudio.com or +91-22-241024545.

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